Scientific Reports and Solutions

Climate entrepreneurship is a concept that grows when nourished by technology and innovation. When we talk about climate and environmental entrepreneurship, it is seen as a type of entrepreneurship that turns environmental challenges into advantages, unlike green entrepreneurship or, in broader terms, green finance. In the concept of green entrepreneurship, sensitivity to grassroots, sky blue, water clarity, and soil purity is emphasized, focusing on environmental entrepreneurship that prioritizes energy efficiency while achieving these goals. Climate entrepreneurship, while encompassing green entrepreneurship, revolves around planning a cleaner future through Green Entrepreneurship and Green Finance activities. It involves both cleaning the environment from the pollution caused by the past and making money from the activities obtained through this cleaning of dirty air, dirty soil, or dirty water.

Climate entrepreneurship turns these challenges into advantages by not only cleaning the environment but also making a profit from the activities resulting from this cleanliness. By turning pollution into an advantage, it facilitates the transition to green financing mechanisms, serving as a catalyst for finance among environmental factors. When establishing a business, green entrepreneurs benefit from theoretical and practical applications by being environmentally conscious. They focus on creating by-products and services that do not pollute the air, spoil water, or reduce soil fertility.

Climate entrepreneurs, on the other hand, deal with practical solutions for cleaning dirty air, recycling waste generated from cleaning dirty water back into nature, and producing environmentally friendly but chemical solvents for cleaning contaminated soil. They brainstorm and implement ideas on how pollution can be turned into an advantage and how to make money from it.